


Written By: Robert King, Esq.
Legal Review By: Sandy Fazili, Esq.
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Seaholm Power Plant in Austin, Texas – Mesothelioma Lawsuit Overview

Seaholm Power Plant began operations in the early 1950s and served as a major source of energy for Austin, Texas. It originally supplied around 100 megawatts of power to the city but couldn’t keep up with the growing population and energy demand. As a result, Seaholm was decommissioned in 1989. City officials decided to repurpose the building and had to proceed with a nine-year, $13-million remediation project to address asbestos, mercury, lead paint, cadmium, and other contaminants. Seaholm Power Plant achieved the nation’s first “Ready for Reuse” designation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Texas Commission on Environmental Equality in 2006. 

Unfortunately, Seaholm Power Plant contributed to asbestos exposure and the development of life-threatening asbestos illnesses. Power plants have long been notorious for the use of asbestos thanks to its ability to offer durability, heat resistance, and fireproofing. It was used in components like turbines, boilers, pipes, arc chutes, and other industrial equipment found at the Seaholm facility. The plant was in use when asbestos was still quite prevalent, putting workers, their families, and the community at risk of exposure. No amount of asbestos is safe, and it is the main cause of mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer with a very poor prognosis. If individuals were exposed to asbestos at Seaholm Power Plant and developed a related illness, they could be eligible for compensation. This is also the case for loved ones who lost a family member to an asbestos disease after being exposed at the plant.

If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness after working at the Seaholm Power Plant, contact King Law to schedule a free consultation.

On this page:

About the Seaholm Turner Power Plant in Austin, TX

Seaholm Power Plant has a rich history and is a well-known structure in Austin. Here’s a look at its history: 

  • 1951-1959: Seaholm Power Plant was Austin’s sole source of power, operating as a gas-fired electrical power plant. 
  • 1989: Seaholm Power Plant was decommissioned but remained in operation as a training facility for new workers in the trade. 
  • 1992: Seaholm Power Plant ceased power generation. 
  • 1993: An asbestos survey was conducted, reviewing boilers, piping, and other equipment. 
  • 1995: Asbestos abatement was completed following regulatory guidelines to remove asbestos-containing materials from pipes, equipment insulation, floor tile, mastic, and other materials. 
  • 1997: The Seaholm Reuse Planning Committee was formed to plan redevelopment. 
  • 1999: Officials completed a comprehensive environmental study to identify other contaminants and conduct additional remediation. This included lead-based paints, PCBs, TPH, mercury, and more that had impacted soil, air, and drinking water. 
  • 2000-2022: Professionals dismantled and decommissioned equipment, conducting additional abatement and remediation measures. 
  • 2004: The city requested ideas for building redevelopment.
  • 2006: The EPA deemed the Seaholm Power Plant building “Ready for Reuse.”
  • 2013: Redevelopment efforts began to turn the building into a commercial and residential space. This redevelopment was part of revitalization efforts for Austin, Texas.
  • 2024: Today, the five-acre site is home to offices, local shops, eateries, condos, a grocery store, and an outdoor terrace, providing hundreds of jobs and contributing millions of dollars in revenue for the city.

Asbestos Exposure at Seaholm Power Plant

Asbestos was used extensively throughout Seaholm Power Plant, putting workers, their families, and nearby community members at risk of exposure. Workers faced the greatest risk due to long-term, frequent exposure. By coming into contact with asbestos-containing materials, workers risked inhaling or ingesting its microscopic, needle-like fibers. Once they enter the body, these fibers can lodge in delicate linings of the organs, causing irritation and cancer development. 

Those who handled, operated, repaired, maintained, and disposed of asbestos-containing materials faced the greatest risk. However, Seaholm workers could also bring home asbestos dust and fibers on their clothing, exposing family members. 

Asbestos was predominantly used in buildings built before 1979, including Seaholm Power Plant. Manufacturers utilized asbestos in boilers, turbines, furnaces, and other industrial equipment susceptible to heavy wear, high temperatures, and catching fire. Asbestos risks were proven in 1949 but regulations did not come into play until the 1970s and the carcinogen was not fully banned until March 2024. Legacy uses of asbestos are still present across the country.

Asbestos-Containing Material and Equipment at Seaholm Power Plant

Asbestos was prevalent throughout power plant construction, equipment, and safety gear. Common asbestos-containing materials and products include: 

  • Acoustical plaster
  • Arc chutes 
  • Boilers (including boiler walls) 
  • Cement
  • Firebricks
  • Fireproof blankets
  • Fireproof clothing and protective gear (aprons, coats, gloves, masks, pants, shoe covers)
  • Floor tiles
  • Gaskets
  • Insulation
  • Joint compounds
  • Lagging
  • Mastic
  • Paneling
  • Pipes and pipe insulation
  • Pumps
  • Rope
  • Turbines

Specific areas of Seaholm Power Plant with asbestos concerns included: 

  • Generator building
  • Office areas
  • Fuel oil building
  • Demineralization building
  • Water intake structure 
  • Water pump room 
  • Surrounding contaminated surfaces

Asbestos Abatement and Removal Efforts at Seaholm Power Plant

Extensive asbestos abatement efforts have taken place at Seaholm Power Plant. After an initial survey was done in 1993, Austin Energy began abatement efforts in 1995 to remove accessible asbestos materials from “piping, equipment insulation, floor tile and mastic, and contaminated surfaces.” 

Asbestos was also addressed in inaccessible areas of the power plant where the generator and water pump systems were located. Austin Energy later dismantled equipment and equipment components, and “asbestos was abated from building surfaces, including boiler walls, pipe insulation, floor tiles, and gaskets.” 

A Voluntary Cleanup Program Final Certificate of Completion was issued for the exterior of the power plant in January 2004. The EPA deemed the structure “Ready for Reuse” in 2006. Asbestos remediation at Seaholm stands apart from other industrial locations where asbestos materials were improperly handled and disposed of. Efforts followed regulatory guidelines to help protect the community and those involved in remediation.

Seaholm Power Plant Workers Most at Risk of Asbestos Exposure

Anyone who worked at Seaholm Power Plant before remediation efforts risked asbestos exposure. Other members of the workers’ household were at risk as well as community members working and living near the plant. 

Specific occupations at power plants that face an elevated risk of asbestos exposure include: 

  • Boilermakers 
  • Cement workers 
  • Dispatchers
  • Electricians
  • Engineers 
  • Flooring installers 
  • Insulators
  • Machine operators 
  • Maintenance workers 
  • Pipefitters 
  • Plumbers
  • Training facilitators
  • Turbine technicians

Types of Mesothelioma Lawsuit Claims

There are two types of mesothelioma lawsuits you may be able to file because of asbestos exposure at Seaholm Power Plant: 

  1. Personal injury lawsuit: You were diagnosed with an asbestos illness after you were exposed to the toxin. Your claim seeks compensation to help with lost wages, medical bills, treatment costs, and other related expenses. 
  2. Wrongful death lawsuit: You lost a family member to an asbestos-related illness after they were exposed to the toxin. Your claim seeks compensation to help with lost household income, outstanding medical bills, and end-of-life support. 

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive illness with a poor prognosis, so some cases are still in progress when the claimant dies. In those scenarios, compensation may go to the deceased victim’s estate or to eligible family members. 

Note that there are different types of asbestos litigation including personal lawsuits, class action lawsuits, and multidistrict litigation (MDL). Personal lawsuits allow you to utilize personalized representation with the potential for higher payouts. Class actions and MDLs are typically less favorable for asbestos cases.

Eligibility for Mesothelioma Compensation for Seaholm Workers

There are eligibility requirements claimants must meet for both mesothelioma personal injury and wrongful death claims. 

Personal injury lawsuits: 

  • You must have been exposed to asbestos from Seaholm Power Plant and been diagnosed with a related illness.
  • You must have documented proof of your asbestos exposure and related diagnosis. 
  • You must file within the state’s personal injury statute of limitations (two years for Texas). 

For wrongful death lawsuits: 

  • You must have a family member who was exposed to asbestos from Seaholm Power Plant and died from a related illness. 
  • You must have documented proof of their exposure and asbestos illness that led to their death. 
  • You must file within the state’s wrongful death statute of limitations (two years for Texas). 

Contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. At King Law, we will review the specifics of your case, confirm your claim eligibility, and pinpoint filing deadlines to help ensure you don’t lose your eligibility for compensation.

Required Evidence to Support Seaholm Power Plant Lawsuits

Evidence is necessary to build a strong mesothelioma case and bolster your chances of a favorable result. Examples of evidence that could support your Seaholm Power Plant asbestos claim include: 

  • Proof of asbestos exposure 
  • Details of how long you were exposed and how often 
  • Employment history
  • Coworker testimonies
  • Proof of your asbestos-related diagnosis 
  • Supporting medical records
  • Details of your prognosis and treatments 
  • Financial records showing lost wages, medical expenses, and other related damages 

Your attorney will help you understand everything you need to build a strong case. We can also help solidify the source of your asbestos exposure and the appropriate party deemed responsible. Don’t delay in collecting evidence and starting the process.

Statute of Limitations on Mesothelioma Claims for Seaholm Employees

Statutes of limitations are deadlines for when an individual must file a legal claim. They vary by state and type of lawsuit. Texas’ statutes of limitations are:

  • Personal injury: Two years from the date of an asbestos-related diagnosis.
  • Wrongful death: Two years from the date a loved one died from an asbestos-related disease. 

These deadlines pertain to the date of diagnosis or death, regardless of when exposure occurred. Don’t wait to file, as you could limit or lose your chances at compensation. Timelines for asbestos trust fund claims and VA claims may differ, so consult an attorney to discuss your options. 

Settlements for Mesothelioma Lawsuits in Texas

Mesothelioma and asbestos settlement payouts vary with averages of around $1 million to $1.4 million. Many factors can influence settlement amounts, including duration and extent of asbestos exposure, type and severity of diagnosis, and the number of responsible parties. Compensation from settlements is typically non-taxable. 

Your attorney can help you determine if a settlement is best and will negotiate on your behalf. They could suggest going to trial, but keep in mind that you risk gaining no compensation if the ruling is not in your favor. Favorable verdicts could result in payouts between $5 million and $11.4 million, depending on the specifics of the case. 

Asbestos settlements and verdicts hold parties responsible for wrongful asbestos exposure. Claimants can receive compensation for pain, suffering, lost wages, medical costs, travel expenses, and other damages associated with their diagnosis.

How to File a Seaholm Power Plant Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Seaholm Power Plant employees who want to file a mesothelioma lawsuit should consider the following process: 

  1. Confirm you have proof of exposure and a related diagnosis or death to meet the eligibility requirements of a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. 
  2. Contact an attorney who has experience handling wrongful exposure cases to review your case and advise next steps. 
  3. Collect evidence of your exposure, related diagnosis, records of financial damages, and other supporting documents. Or, gather evidence of your loved one’s exposure, the asbestos diagnosis that led to their death, and subsequent financial damages. 
  4. Discuss with your attorney whether a settlement or a verdict makes the most sense for your asbestos case. 
  5. Ideally, you will achieve a favorable settlement or verdict, to get compensation from the responsible party. 

King Law represents individuals from across the nation, providing expert-level advocacy and toxic exposure expertise to guide you through the process from start to finish with confidence. 

This infographic lists three simple steps for filing a lawsuit, the statute of limitations on an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit in Texas for personal injury and wrongful death, and also notes the average settlement amount for an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit.

Contact a Seaholm Power Plant Mesothelioma Lawyer

Contact a specialized asbestos lawyer today to get started with your mesothelioma lawsuit. At King Law, we will use our expertise and renowned resources to build an ironclad case and fight for the compensation you deserve. We couple compassion with experience to get you the best results possible. Contact us today to get started. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To learn more about asbestos exposure at Seaholm Power Plant, read answers to these frequently asked questions. 

What is the Seaholm Power Plant mesothelioma lawsuit about?
Individuals who developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos at Seaholm Power Plant may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products.
How was asbestos used at the Seaholm Power Plant?
Asbestos was used throughout pipes, boilers, turbines, insulation, flooring, and other build materials and equipment components at Seaholm Power Plant.
What are the health risks associated with asbestos exposure at the Seaholm Power Plant?
Powerplant asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, and other asbestos-related illnesses.  
What changes in regulations have been implemented regarding asbestos at Seaholm Power Plant?
Austin Energy conducted an asbestos survey and remediation efforts, starting in 1993. Asbestos regulations didn’t emerge until the 1970s and the carcinogen was not formally banned until March 2024.
What asbestos-containing materials and equipment were used at Seaholm Power Plant?
Asbestos was used in turbines, boilers, insulation, flooring, and other components like gaskets and fireproof gear at power plants.
Which Seaholm Power Plant workers were most at risk for asbestos exposure?
Boilermakers, cement workers, dispatchers, electricians, engineers, flooring installers, insulators, machine operators, maintenance workers, pipefitters, plumbers, training facilitators, and turbine technicians faced the highest risk of asbestos workplace injury in power plants.
What types of mesothelioma lawsuits can Seaholm Power Plant workers file?
Workers diagnosed with an asbestos illness can file a personal injury lawsuit. Family members who had a loved one die from an asbestos illness can file a wrongful death lawsuit.
What are the eligibility requirements for for compensation for Seaholm Power Plant employees?
Seaholm Power Plant employees must have proof that they were exposed to asbestos as well as an asbestos-related diagnosis.  
What are the statutes of limitations on mesothelioma claims for Seaholm Power Plant workers?
Statutes of limitations vary based on the state and type of claim. For those filing in Texas, where Seaholm Power Plant is located, personal injury and wrongful death statutes of limitations are two years.  
What are the average settlements for mesothelioma lawsuit cases in Texas?
Mesothelioma settlements can payout at around $1 to $1.4 million on average.  

How can Seaholm Power Plant employees file a mesothelioma lawsuit?
Seaholm Power Plant employees can file a mesothelioma lawsuit by consulting with an attorney and gathering the right evidence to support their case.