The Lack of Oversight of School Bus Drivers
by King Law
A recent investigation by CBS News found there is an astounding lack of oversight of school bus drivers. On average, one driver a week is arrested for driving intoxicated, possession of child pornography, or sexual assault of a child.
One family, represented by attorney Robert King of King Law, told CBS News a bus driver assaulted their special-needs daughter behind a church when she was only 15 years of age.
The family believes Reinaldo Vega, the driver, should not have been hired by the school district. Earlier that year, he had been arrested for a child abuse suspicion but kept his job. The previous charges did not stick and were dropped, but Vega did plead guilty to the assault of their daughter.
Attorney King asserted the school has an obligation to look at what each of its employees is doing. This duty includes investigating accusations themselves instead of passing the responsibility on to other people.
The hiring practices for school bus drivers are often lax because few of them drive across state lines and are therefore not subject to federal regulations. While they all require commercial drivers licenses (CDL), they can bypass usual federal safety rules. Those who drive children are held to lower standards than commercial truck drivers who haul inanimate objects.
Alex Rodriguez, the subject of one case, received a job driving a school in Tennessee, despite previous charges of having a weapon in a school zone in New Jersey. Years after being hired, he pled guilty to statutory rape of one of his riders, a 15-year-old student.
For more information about the situation, read about the CBS investigation on the CBS News website here. However, if you would like to begin your own personal injury case, don’t hesitate to talk to the experienced Rochester personal injury lawyer at King Law.
Call him at (585) 270-8882 or fill out the online form to schedule a free initial consultation today.