


Written By: Robert King, Esq.
Legal Review By: Sandy Fazili, Esq.
The East Orange Water Contamination Lawsuit is an active lawsuit
See If You Qualify

East Orange, New Jersey has experienced various water contamination issues over the years. Recent concerns have focused on the presence of  per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the local water. Commonly called “forever chemicals,” PFAS can remain in the environment and the human body for very long periods. They may increase your risk of various health issues. These include higher risks of kidney cancer, liver cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, ulcerative colitis, and more.

Many East Orange residents have filed lawsuits against manufacturers who may have contaminated local water. With the help of attorneys at King Law, they are seeking compensation for the harm these chemicals may have caused.

East Orange, New Jersey Water Contamination Lawsuit Overview

Although it was originally part of Newark, East Orange, NJ has been its own city for over 200 years. It remains an integral part of the Newark, NJ-New York, NY metropolitan area. While it is part of one of America’s most populous urban areas, East Orange retains much of its historic architecture.

However, East Orange’s population, industry, and activity threaten its water supply. Industrial contamination, degraded sewage infrastructure, improper waste disposal, and other factors have added various contaminants, like PFAS, to the water. These contaminants pose considerable risks to local consumers. King Law is helping many affected by PFAS contamination in East Orange to file for compensation.

East Orange Water Contamination Lawsuit Updates

  • 1900s – 1930s: Massive population growth and industrial development in East Orange introduce contaminants to the water. Industrial chemicals and construction runoff often contribute to the contamination.
  • 1930s: Advances in industrial chemicals add new contaminants to the water supply, often with minimal oversight. Many of these chemicals are later linked to significant health risks.
  • 1950s: Concerns over water contamination become more widespread in industrial areas like East Orange.
  • 1950s – 1960s: Federal legislation — such as the Water Pollution Control Act and Water Quality Act — is passed. However, many regulations are slow to take effect.
  • 1970: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is created. The agency sets standards for clean water and begins tracking contamination.
  • 1970: The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is created.
  • 1974: The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) sets the first federal drinking water standards.
  • 1980s: The NJDEP begins investigating sources of water contamination in the East Orange area. Several areas of concern are noted.
  • 1990s: Various contaminated areas qualify as EPA superfund sites. Multi-year cleanup efforts begin.
  • 2000s: New Jersey implements stricter water quality standards. East Orange and other cities are required to closely monitor local water. PFAS contaminants begin to appear in the area’s water.
  • 2010s: Concerns about chemical contamination in the water continues. In particular, lead from the area’s outdated piping system is a major concern.
  • 2014: The EPA begins stricter health advisories for PFAS contamination in drinking water.
  • 2018 – 2020: New Jersey is the first state to implement a maximum contaminant level (MCL) requirement for any PFAS chemical.

2021 – Present: East Orange continues to replace lead water lines. The city also continues to monitor and control the level of PFAS chemicals in water.

About East Orange, NJ Water Contamination:

History of Water Contamination in East Orange, New Jersey

East Orange, New Jersey experienced explosive growth throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. However, this growth added potential contaminants to the water supply. The area’s industry was (and is) a major contributor to local water contamination. However, improper waste disposal and an aging sewage and plumbing infrastructure have also become access points for contaminants. Many areas of the city also used (and continue to use) lead water pipes which cause various health risks.

The State of New Jersey has identified at least 89 environmental contamination sites within East Orange alone. Plus, as late as 2018, New Jersey was home to one of the highest numbers of EPA superfund sites nationwide. These sites require substantial cleanup and remediation efforts using federal funding. Moreover, the rise and proliferation of PFAS contaminants in the last few decades have caused long-lasting chemicals to permeate the area’s water. In turn, PFAS chemicals have caused substantial health risks for consumers.

Sources of Water Contamination in East Orange

East Orange’s water contamination can often be traced to industrial sources. The city has played host to multiple manufacturers throughout its history. However, industry also brought industrial chemicals to contaminate the area’s water. Despite more stringent health and safety regulations in recent years, these contaminants continue to threaten consumers.

Additionally, East Orange’s transportation system has increased the risk of water contamination. For example, at one time, the city was home to three railroad lines and multiple trolleys. Today, the area is home to significant road infrastructure and high commuter traffic. Whether from railroads or motorcars, contaminants from vehicles can permeate the environment and seep into the groundwater.

Moreover, East Orange has experienced concerns over its sewage and wastewater practices. Older sewage infrastructure, improper waste disposal, and other factors may allow potentially harmful chemicals to infiltrate water supplies. As a result, consumers could run the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals, many of which may cause them harm. Despite ongoing mitigation efforts, long-term concerns about water contamination remain.

East Orange Water Contamination Map

PFAS chemicals and other water contaminants put East Orange, New Jersey’s population at risk. This water contamination map shows various sites of pollution affecting the area.

Contaminants Found in East Orange Drinking Water

Multiple substances, including PFAS chemicals, have appeared in East Orange’s water. At times, the level of contamination has exceeded state and federal water standards. Many contaminants also exceed the recommended levels set by the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG).


Arsenic is a known carcinogen and poison. Because it is a naturally occurring mineral, it can enter the water supply naturally. However, industry and agriculture can also cause arsenic contamination. Not only can arsenic kill you, but it can also increase your risk of various cancers, diabetes, skin disorders, and cardiovascular disease. Arsenic has been found in East Orange’s water at a level more than 200 times the EWG’s recommended safe level.


Chlorine is commonly used in the water disinfection process. However, when chlorine interacts with natural substances and decaying matter in the water, chloroform may form. Chloroform exposure may increase your risks of cancer, kidney damage, liver issues, and nervous system damage. It may also cause birth defects and problems with pregnancy. Chloroform in East Orange’s water is 33 times higher than the EWG’s health guide recommends.


Lead piping in East Orange increases the risk of lead contamination in the local water. The city is undertaking large-scale pipe replacement. However, the risk of lead contamination remains. The City has even implemented a free lead poisoning prevention program to help address concerns. Exposure to lead is a serious problem and can cause substantial health risks. Adults may be at a higher risk of kidney problems, cardiovascular issues, and various cancers. In pregnant women, lead exposure may lead to low birth weights and premature births. In children, it may cause behavioral problems, lower IQs, anemia, and more. In 2024, East Orange had one of the highest percentages of children statewide who were at risk of lead poisoning.

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

PFAS chemicals are often called “forever chemicals” because they remain in the environment and the human body for extremely long periods. These chemicals have been used for decades in items like nonstick cookware, food packaging, and firefighting foam. Still, even low levels of exposure to these chemicals may put you at risk of various cancers. PFAs may also increase your risk of thyroid disorders, ulcerative colitis, a weakened immune system, and other problems. Testing on East Orange-area water in 2023 found levels of PFOA at levels of up to 13.0 ppt. New Jersey’s safe consumption level is currently set at 14.0 ppt. However, the EWG recommends a safe level of 4.0 ppt or less.

Other Contaminants

Various other contaminants have appeared in East Orange’s drinking water. Each presents potential health risks:

  • Bromodichloromethane: Bladder cancer and other cancers, fetal development problems
  • Chromium: Stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, weakened skeletal systems
  • Dibromoacetic acid: Cancer, problems with pregnancy
  • Dibromochloromethane: Cancer, problems with pregnancy
  • Dichloroacetic acid: Cancer, problems with pregnancy
  • Haloacetic acids (HAA5): Cancer, harm to pregnancy
  • Nitrate: Colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, hypothyroidism
  • Trichloroacetic acid: Bladder cancer, skin cancer, harm to fetal development
  • Uranium: Kidney damage, respiratory problems, birth defects, reproductive problems, cancer

Current Water Quality in East Orange, New Jersey

East Orange, New Jersey’s water meets applicable safety standards. However, this does not mean the water is contaminant-free. Even at trace levels, PFAS and other chemicals may threaten the public. Area residents may sustain harm from long-term exposure to these contaminants.

Water Treatment Efforts in East Orange

East Orange must ensure that its water meets mandated safe drinking water standards. The city conducts regular testing and treatment to disinfect and reduce contaminants in the water. The city’s water is disinfected using air stripping and chlorine. New EPA regulations also require East Orange to test and monitor water for the presence of PFAS. In turn, these cities must also notify consumers of the level of PFAS within their water.

Health Risks and Symptoms Linked to Drinking Water in East Orange

PFAS and other contaminants may remain in East Orange, New Jersey’s water supply even after treatment. Even small amounts of these contaminants may increase someone’s risk of:

  • Kidney problems
  • High cholesterol
  • Thyroid disease
  • Weakened immune systems
  • Endocrine and hormonal disorders
  • Kidney cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Liver disease
  • Pregnancy-related high blood pressure
  • Low birth weights
  • Birth defects
  • Neurological problems
  • Cardiovascular disease

Everyone is at risk of experiencing health issues from long-term exposure to contaminated water. Sensitive groups such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and those with pre-existing conditions, may face enhanced risks of harm.

Regular checkups and screenings can help detect conditions potentially associated with PFAS exposure. However, this care is likely to be expensive even with health insurance. Still, if you file a PFAS lawsuit, you may be able to recoup compensation to help with your medical bills.

Eligibility Criteria for the East Orange Water Contamination Lawsuit

If you have developed a health condition from contaminated water in East Orange, NJ, King Law may be able to help. To file a water contamination case, you generally must meet specific criteria:

Specific Diagnoses

King Law is evaluating potential water contamination cases involving a diagnosis of:

  • Kidney cancer 
  • Liver cancer 
  • Testicular cancer 
  • Thyroid cancer 
  • Thyroid disease 
  • Ulcerative colitis

Duration of Exposure

You must have lived or worked in East Orange for at least six months during a period of water contamination to file a lawsuit. You will likely have to provide evidence of your presence in East Orange during this time.

Required Documentation 

It’s important to build a strong legal claim as the basis of your water contamination case. The specialized attorneys at King Law can help you gather appropriate evidence. For example, medical records and photographic evidence may help support your case. Also, you will have to prove that you lived or worked in East Orange for at least six months.

East Orange Water Contamination Settlement and Payout Amounts

Your water contamination lawsuit may result in a financial settlement. Settlements occur before a trial can take place. They are a compromise between you and the party you sue for water contamination. Following a settlement, the other party agrees to pay you for the harm you allege in your lawsuit.

The amount of money you receive for your water contamination lawsuit in East Orange may vary. However, settlements often range from $30,000 – $300,000. Many cases settle for upward of $100,000. The average settlement is $250,000. 

Various factors may affect your total settlement, such as:

  • The extent of your exposure to contaminants. Longer periods of exposure may lead to larger settlements.
  • The extent of your health issues. For example, if you have a diagnosed case of cancer, you may receive a settlement different from that of someone with another condition.
  • Your age. For example, if you are younger and sustain harm, you may receive a larger settlement.
  • The length of your illness. If you have a prolonged, active illness, you may receive a larger settlement. If the illness affects your quality of life or your potential to earn money, you may also receive a larger settlement.

If your case goes to trial instead of settling, you may have a chance of receiving a higher reward. Still, a judge or jury will determine the outcome of the trial. As a result, you also run the risk of receiving nothing. King Law’s specialized attorneys are experts at navigating water contamination lawsuits. They can help you understand the various practicalities for pursuing your case.

How to File an East Orange Water Contamination Lawsuit

You can generally expect your water contamination lawsuit to last several months. The legal process for these cases involves multiple steps. These usually include:

  • Initial Consultation: An attorney experienced in water contamination lawsuits and environmental law will evaluate your case. They will help you determine the next steps.
  • Evidence Gathering: You and your attorney will gather evidence (e.g., medical records, proof of residence, environmental studies, etc.).
  • Legal Filing: Your attorney will outline your allegations against the parties accused of contaminating East Orange’s water. The attorney will then prepare and file the appropriate documents with the court.
  • Pre-Trial Procedures: During this period, you can exchange evidence and other information with the other parties. Depositions, interrogations, and other questioning may take place.
  • Settlement Negotiations: Your attorney will negotiate with the defendant(s) for appropriate compensation. If you settle your case, a trial will not occur.
  • Trial: Your case will go to trial if you cannot settle out of court. Your attorney will argue your case before a jury or judge. Afterward, the judge or jury will render a verdict. A verdict does not guarantee you will receive compensation. 

King Law’s attorneys are well-versed in New Jersey’s legal landscape. They can guide you through every step of your water contamination lawsuit and ensure you meet appropriate legal requirements.

Evidence to Support Your Claim:

You will have to gather appropriate evidence to support your water contamination lawsuit. Your evidence can help prove that East Orange’s drinking water caused you harm. Doing so may potentially strengthen your case for compensation. Some of the evidence you may need includes:

  • Medical documentation: Your medical records, including information about your condition(s), date(s) of diagnosis, and other medical needs.
  • Proof of residence or employment: Evidence that you lived or worked in East Orange for at least six months during the contamination period. Utility bills, lease agreements, or employment records may suffice as proof of residence.
  • Environmental studies: Details about the amounts and types of contaminants in East Orange’s water may help support your claim.
  • Expert testimony: Written or oral statements from medical professionals linking your health conditions to contaminated water.
  • Personal statements: Your personal account of the effects of water contamination on your health.
  • Photographic evidence: Photos of the health impacts water contamination has had on you. Photos of the sources of contamination may also add to your case.
  • Receipts and bills: Medical bills and other receipts demonstrating the cost impact caused by exposure to contaminated water. 

If you have more robust evidence, you may be better able to support your case. Throughout the evidence-gathering process, King Law’s dedicated professionals can help.

Statute of Limitations for East Orange Water Contamination Claims

PFAS lawsuits in East Orange, NJ are generally subject to a statute of limitations. You must file your lawsuit before the statute expires, or you won’t be able to file later. The statute of limitations in New Jersey is usually two years following the date you were diagnosed with an illness. An attorney specializing in environmental or personal injury law can help you determine specific eligibility. Schedule a conversation with King Law to kickstart the process.

East Orange, NJ Water Contamination Lawyers

To file your water contamination lawsuit in East Orange, NJ, you will need an experienced attorney. King Law’s attorneys understand the New Jersey legal code, environmental statutes, and court systems. With our comprehensive legal services, you can get help throughout every part of your case. We’ll ensure you meet all legal requirements necessary for your case. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Learn more about the East Orange, NJ water contamination with these frequently asked questions. 

Is the water in East Orange, NJ safe to drink?
Yes, East Orange’s drinking water meets applicable safe water standards. However, PFAS chemicals and other contaminants might remain in the water. In turn, they may increase your risk of sustaining medical harm.
What are the toxins in East Orange's drinking water?
Arsenic, chloroform, PFAS, and other contaminants have appeared in East Orange’s water.
What is the water contamination lawsuit about in East Orange?
Many people have sustained harm from drinking contaminated water in East Orange. If you are one of them, you may be able to file a lawsuit to receive compensation for health care, lost wages, and other costs.
What was the cause of water contamination in East Orange?
Industries, degraded sewer infrastructures, high population density, poor waste management, and significant traffic may contribute toxins to East Orange’s water.
What are the deadlines for filing a claim in the East Orange lawsuit?
You generally must file your water contamination lawsuit within two years of your date of diagnosis. Ask your attorney for further information on the statute of limitations.
What types of health problems are linked to the water contamination in East Orange?
PFAS and other chemicals in East Orange’s water can cause various illnesses. Notably, multiple contaminants may increase your risk of various cancers. They may also increase your risk of skin diseases, thyroid problems, ulcerative colitis, and difficulties with pregnancy.
What evidence do I need for my claim in the East Orange water contamination lawsuit?
You must provide proof that you have an injury or illness associated with water contamination. You will also need proof you lived or worked in East Orange for at least six months while contamination was present. Other evidence may also be necessary.
How long will the lawsuit process take for East Orange, NJ?
Water contamination lawsuits are often complicated, and usually last at least several months. If you file early, you can ensure you get the process underway promptly.
What steps should I take if I was affected by the contamination in East Orange, NJ?
If you believe East Orange’s water harmed your health, seek medical care first. Your doctor will document your condition and provide appropriate care. Afterward, you can contact one of the attorneys at King Law to discuss your legal options.
What kind of compensation can I expect from the East Orange lawsuit?
Various factors may impact the settlement you receive for your water contamination lawsuit. Many settlements range anywhere from $30,000 – $300,000. Cases often settle for $100,000 – $300,000. Various factors may influence your settlement amount.
What is the average payout for the lawsuit in East Orange?
On average, water contamination settlements tend to fall around $250,000. The extent of your illness and the length of your exposure to contaminants (among other factors) may affect your settlement.
Is PFAS in the water in East Orange?
Yes, PFAS and other contaminants have appeared in East Orange’s water. New Jersey has implemented strict standards for monitoring and minimizing the presence of PFAS in local water.
What steps has East Orange taken to address the PFAS contamination?
In line with recommendations, East Orange has taken measures to monitor and control PFAS levels in its water.
Who is eligible for the water contamination lawsuit in East Orange?
Those who have experienced certain health conditions after being exposed to East Orange’s water for more than six months may be able to file a lawsuit.
How can individuals affected by the water contamination in East Orange file a lawsuit?
To file a water contamination lawsuit in East Orange, you need to have evidence to support your claim. A professional team like the attorneys at King Law can help you review your evidence and potential for compensation. They can then determine your eligibility to file a claim.