


Written By: Robert King, Esq.
The Buena Park Water Contamination Lawsuit is an active lawsuit
See If You Qualify

Buena Park, California is located in Orange County, where multiple lawsuits are being filed over water contamination. Specifically, public water systems have been filing lawsuits due to exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as “forever chemicals,” against several area manufacturers. The districts allege that the companies are responsible for the water contamination and must help pay for the costs of remediation.

Buena Park, California Water Contamination Overview

Founded in 1887, Buena Park, California was located along the Sante Fe and Southern Pacific railroads and was first known as a dairy center. The Lily Creamery, the first evaporated milk cannery in the state, was the first industry in the city. Later, Buena Park became known for the amusement park, Knott’s Berry Farm, founded in 1920 and today features 160 acres of attractions, rides, shows, and restaurants. 

PFAS have been detected in the Orange County Groundwater Basin, and the city of Buena Park as well as their water agency have been tasked with ensuring they are removed from local water supplies. These forever chemicals do not break down in the human body and over time can lead to an array of serious health conditions.

Buena Park Water Contamination Lawsuit Updates

Buena Park and several other municipalities in Orange County have filed lawsuits against various manufacturers of PFAS, accusing the companies of negligence by contaminating the water with these toxic forever chemicals. Residents who consumed this contaminated water may develop liver cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid disease, or ulcerative colitis. 

In early April 2024, the Orange County Water District and several other California water utilities filed lawsuits against seven different PFAS manufacturers. A federal court in South Carolina is handling similar PFAS cases, so the trial will likely be transferred there. The trial is expected to take place in September 2024.

King Law is dedicated to supporting individuals affected by contaminated drinking water in Buena Park, California. If you’ve been exposed to toxic water for at least six months and developed one of the previously mentioned health conditions, contact King Law today to confirm your eligibility and discuss your legal options.

About Buena Park, California Water Contamination:

History of Water Contamination in Buena Park, California

Learn more about the history of Buena Park water contamination: 

  • 2024: The Orange County Water District and many other California water utilities file a lawsuit against PFAS manufacturers, leveraging the EPA’s PFAS drinking water standards to seek financial compensation to cover the costs of remediating the contamination.
  • 2024: The Buena Park Water Department releases the 2024 Water Quality Report which reports that although drinking water meets federal and state standards, low levels of arsenic and lead were found.
  • 2022: The City Council of Buena Park signs Resolution Number 14439 to support federal PFAS policy principles like the PFAS Action Act of 2021 to protect water and wastewater agencies and their rate payers. 
  • 2021: The Environmental Working Group (EWG) finds 15 contaminants in Buena Park drinking water that exceed their Health Guidelines.
  • 2019: Results from water sampling reveal PFAS were found in 35% of the 570 wells tested in California drinking water supply wells.
  • 2012: The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) coordinates with the U.S. EPA and other governmental agencies over PFAS concerns in local municipalities’ groundwater in Orange County and others.

Sources of Water Contamination in Buena Park, California

Some key sources of water contamination in Buena Park, CA include:

Natural resources: Water traveling naturally over land surfaces or through the ground may pick up inorganic, microbial, and radioactive contaminants, leading to contaminated drinking water in Buena Park. 

Sewage treatment and stormwater runoff: PFAS have been found in the Santa Ana River, which flows into the Orange County Groundwater Basin, from treated wastewater discharges and stormwater runoff from upstream communities in the area.

Industrial and agricultural activities: Chemical manufacturers may release synthetic and volatile organic chemicals from industrial processes and petroleum production. Runoff from local farms may also contaminate the drinking water in Buena Park.

This infographic describes the four sources of water contamination in Buena Park, California. Images correlating with each source is shown.

Buena Park, California Water Contamination Map

Drinking water in Buena Park comes from two main sources: groundwater and imported water. Water quality reports show that Buena Park has been over the limit for at least one type of PFAS. Our Buena Park water contamination map shows areas where PFAS has been detected as well as areas where levels have exceeded safety standards.

Contaminants Found in Buena Park, California Drinking Water

Buena Park’s drinking water has tested positive for numerous contaminants, including arsenic, PFAS, and more, raising significant public health concerns. The presence of these harmful substances in the water supply poses a heightened risk of various diseases for residents, including many different types of cancer. 

The main contaminants found at higher levels in Buena Park, California drinking water include the following: 


Arsenic appears naturally in many minerals, soil and bedrock. It may also be found in water due to pesticide, herbicides and insecticides. Arsenic was found at 439 times above the EWG’s Health Guideline in Buena Park drinking water.

Arsenic causes serious health issues when consumed by drinking contaminated water with high concentrations. Certain cancers, skin damage, diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary disease, and circulatory problems are all linked back to arsenic. 


When chlorine or other types of disinfectants are added to treat drinking water, it’s common for bromodichloromethane to form. Bromodichloromethane, one of the total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), can injure the kidneys and liver. In Buena Vista drinking water, bromodichloromethane was found 52 times above health guidelines.

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

PFAS are commonly known to be used to make items like non-stick pots and pans or to make products like clothes and carpets resistant to stains, oil and water. They’re also used in firefighting foam to extinguish fires. These products don’t break down quickly over time, hence why they are known as “forever chemicals,” and are persistent in the environment and the human body. Health risks associated with PFAS exposure include:

  • Cancer: Kidney cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, and testicular cancer have all been linked to PFAS.
  • Immune system issues: When exposed to PFAS, it’s common for the immune system to weaken, which can make it more difficult to fight off certain infections. 
  • Reproductive and developmental issues: Exposure to PFAS can cause decreased fertility or issues like high blood pressure during pregnancy. Children exposed to PFAS are at an increased risk for issues like accelerated puberty or behavioral changes. 
  • Increased risk of other health issues: PFAs can lead to liver damage, thyroid disease, asthma, hormonal issues, ulcerative colitis and increased cholesterol levels

PFAS like perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) were detected in Buena Park water

Haloacetic acids (HAA9)

Haloacetic acids are also formed by adding disinfectants like chlorine to tap water. In Buena Park drinking water, haloacetic acids were found at 100 times above the EWG’s Health Guideline. Exposure to HAA9 can lead to cancer, organ damage, birth defects and more. 

Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs)

Buena Park drinking water contains total trihalomethanes at 101 times above the EWG’s Health Guideline. TTHMs include chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform. These chemicals can all lead to health issues like:

  • Cancer
  • Reproductive system issues and birth defects
  • Damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous systems

This infographic lists the contaminants found in Buena Park's drinking water and briefly describes them.

Current Water Quality in Buena Park, California

The quality of the drinking water quality in Buena Park is currently in compliance with the EPA’s health-based drinking water standards. However, out of the 30 total contaminants detected in the drinking water, 15 were found to exceed the EWG’s Health Guideline.

Water Treatment Efforts at Buena Park, California

The Orange County Water District (OCWD) has been testing water from around 1,500 locations throughout the Orange County Groundwater Basin. They are analyzing over 20,000 samples to ensure the drinking water remains of the highest quality and is meeting federal and state guidelines for drinking water standards and regulations. 

This state-of-the-art testing is ensuring they are analyzing PFAS that might be in the drinking water. The OCWD has also launched the country’s largest pilot project to determine the most effective way to restore any impacted drinking water supply.

Health Risks and Symptoms Linked to Drinking Water at Buena Park, California

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) warn that extended exposure to PFAS can lead to severe health conditions, like kidney and testicular cancer. Additionally, a weakened immune system, thyroid disease and changes in liver enzymes can occur.

Other hazardous substances in Buena Park’s drinking water, such as arsenic and total trihalomethanes, can significantly increase the risk of various health issues like damaging the liver and kidneys, intestinal tumors and several other types of cancer.

It’s imperative to undergo regular health check-ups and screenings if you’ve been exposed to contaminated drinking water to help reduce the risk for further complications and for managing these serious conditions. If you’re experiencing any symptoms, reach out to a health provider immediately.

Eligibility Criteria for the Buena Park, California Water Contamination Lawsuit

Individuals may be eligible for compensation through a PFAS lawsuit if they have been diagnosed with certain serious health conditions. To be eligible for a Buena Park water contamination lawsuit, the following criteria must be met:

  • Diagnosis of specific health issues, such as certain cancers–lung, bladder, kidney, thyroid, testicular, prostrate, or breast cancer–or other conditions like thyroid disease.
  • Exposure to contaminated water for at least six months while residing or working in the affected municipality during the contamination period. 
  • Necessary documentation, including medical records confirming diagnoses and proof of residence or employment during the contamination period.

These factors are imperative in determining compensation eligibility and strengthening an individual’s legal claim. Specialized attorneys, like those at King Law, can provide a consultation to ensure the legal process is effectively navigated.

This infographic shows two speech bubbles. The first asks if they qualify for a Buena Park water contamination lawsuit. The second bubble responds with the eligibility criteria.

Buena Park, California Water Contamination Settlement and Payout Amounts

Potential settlement amounts for Buena Park water contamination lawsuits are based on several key factors, such as the extent and duration of contaminant exposure. Longer exposure periods due to living or working in the municipality may lead to a higher settlement. Diagnoses of cancer or chronic illnesses directly linked to these contaminants will also play a large role when properly documented. 

Historically, water contamination lawsuits have been settled between $100,000 to $300,000. However, some cases involving more severe health conditions may result in settlements exceeding $300,000, while those with less severe conditions or those with insufficient documentation connecting the illness to the city’s water supply might receive settlements between $30,000 to $75,000. Some exceptional cases could see settlements near or exceed one million dollars. Generally, settlements are lower than potential trial verdicts, balancing the higher potential rewards against the risk of receiving nothing at trial. 

Those affected by Buena Park water contamination should seek advice from legal experts to understand their options and potential for compensation.

How to File a Buena Park, California Water Contamination Lawsuit

Eligibility for a personal injury lawsuit related to water contamination in Buena Park, California involves a detailed and structured process, requiring specific documentation and adherence to local legal considerations. Follow these steps to help navigate this complex legal journey:

  1. Gather documentation: Compile the necessary documentation to support your claim, including medical records, proof of residence or employment, environmental studies, and other relevant, pertinent information. 
  2. Consult an attorney: Seek out a lawyer specializing in environmental law with experience in water contamination cases and California’s legal system. This attorney can help evaluate the strength of your claim and provide an overview of the process involved, including how to file a formal complaint in court while properly following all legal procedures.
  3. Understand California law: California has specific legal guidelines, including the statute of limitations, which typically requires lawsuits to be filed within two years of discovering the harm. California’s Proposition 65 mandates warnings about significant chemical exposures that may cause cancer or reproductive harm, which could impact your case.

King Law is well-versed in California law, including the local environmental regulations, the state’s statute of limitations, and the impacts of contamination at both municipal and state-levels. We can help you navigate the unique considerations for Buena Park water contamination lawsuits.

Evidence to Support Your Buena Park Water Contamination Claim

You can increase your chances of receiving fair compensation if you can provide strong evidence to substantiate claims in Buena Park, California water contamination cases. To improve your case, gather and present the following documentation:

  • Medical records: Include documentation from healthcare providers detailing any diagnoses, treatments, and health issues related to drinking contaminated water. Receipts for expenses related to medical treatment received for the exposure may also be provided.
  • Proof of residence or employment: Submit utility bills, lease agreements, or employment records that verify you were residing or working in the affected area during the contamination period.
  • Environmental reports: Obtain studies and reports that document the contamination levels in Buena Park’s drinking water.
  • Testimonies from experts: Seek out statements from medical and environmental professionals who can link your health conditions to the contaminated drinking water..
  • Personal accounts: Offer written accounts detailing your exposure and the related health issues that have impacted your lifestyle.
  • Statements from key witnesses: Find out if other individuals throughout the community have experienced health issues due to contaminated drinking water, and present their testimonies.

Compiling this comprehensive evidence can help strengthen your case and improve your chances of a favorable outcome.

Statute of Limitations for Buena Park, California Water Contamination Claims

It’s imperative to understand the statute of limitations in the state of California when filing a water contamination lawsuit. There is a specific timeline in which victims must file their lawsuit to qualify for compensation, and failing to file within this window may disqualify victims from receiving compensation. The statute of limitations in California for personal injury claims, including those related to toxic exposure, is generally two years from the date of diagnosis. 

Scheduling a consultation early with an attorney who specializes in environmental or personal injury law will help you avoid losing eligibility by ensuring all the necessary steps are completed before the filing deadline. This will also allow for ample time to build and strengthen your case by compiling all the essential evidence.

Buena Park, California Water Contamination Lawyers

At King Law, we specialize in water contamination lawsuits in Buena Park, California, particularly those involving PFAS and other harmful chemicals in those local drinking water. Our team is experienced in environmental law, and we are well-equipped to handle the complexities involved with toxic exposure cases. We will guide you through every stage of the process, from assessing the validity of your claim to collecting essential documents and providing robust legal representation in court. Recognizing the significant impact water contamination can have on your health and overall wellbeing, we are dedicated to supporting you and helping you secure the compensation you deserve. 

If you’ve been impacted by water contamination in Buena Park, having experienced legal representation by your side can be vital in achieving justice and obtaining the compensation you need. At King Law, we are committed to guiding our clients through this challenging journey, offering the legal experience and assistance you need to build a compelling case.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Learn more about Buena Park water contamination with these frequently asked questions. 

Is the water in Buena Park safe to drink?
A recent report revealed 30 total contaminants found in Buena Park tap water, with 15 exceeding EWG Health Guidelines. However, the drinking water in Buena Park was found to meet federal health-based drinking water standards.
What are the toxins in Buena Park's drinking water?
Buena Park drinking water has been contaminated with arsenic, PFAS, TTHMs, and other toxins.
What is the water contamination lawsuit about in Buena Park?
Individuals who have developed certain health conditions due to exposure to contaminated water in Buena Park are filing lawsuits to recover compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.
What was the cause of water contamination in Buena Park?
Erosion of natural resources, sewer and stormwater runoff, and industrial and agricultural activities have all contributed to Buena Park water contamination issues.
What are the deadlines for filing a claim in the Buena Park lawsuit?
In the state of California, individuals usually have two years from the date of diagnosis to file a water contamination lawsuit. But deadlines can vary, so be sure to consult an attorney to learn more.
What types of health problems are linked to water contamination in Buena Park?
Exposure to toxins like PFAS can lead to kidney and liver cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, reproductive and developmental issues, and many other life-threatening illnesses.
What evidence do I need for my claim in the Buena Park water contamination lawsuit?
Provide medical records, proof of exposure, residence or time working in the city, and your related diagnosis to support your water contamination lawsuit.
How long will the lawsuit process take for Buena Park?
Some water contamination lawsuits can last several months or longer to resolve. However, all case timelines can vary, so it’s important to start the process as soon as possible to ensure timely compensation.
What steps should I take if I was affected by the contamination in Buena Park?
Learn about your legal options regarding a water contamination lawsuit by consulting with a specialized attorney as soon as possible.
What kind of compensation can I expect from the Buena Park lawsuit?
Water contamination lawsuits often settle at $30,000 to $500,000 with an average settlement amount of $250,000. However, there are many factors that can influence settlement amounts, making them higher or lower based on the case.
Is PFAS in the water in Buena Park?
Yes, PFAS have been found in Buena Park, California drinking water.
What steps has Buena Park taken to address the PFAS contamination?
Buena Park conducts state-of-the-art testing to continually monitor contamination levels and improve water treatment efforts.
Who is eligible for the water contamination lawsuit in Buena Park?
Those eligible for compensation through a water contamination lawsuit include individuals who have developed a serious health condition following exposure to contaminated water in Buena Park, typically for at least six months.
How can individuals affected by the water contamination in Buena Park file a lawsuit?
Contact a specialized attorney like King Law for a consultation to learn more about your eligibility for a water contamination lawsuit.